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Valiant Life Medical


Phone (817) 926-0012
Address 4830 South Fwy,
Fort Worth, TX 76115 United States


Auto Accident & Workers' Comp, Sports Injury Recovery, Chiropractic Care, Physical Therapy, Regenerative Medicine & Medically Supervised Weight Loss: Dr. James Matthew Jernigan and the team of professionals at Valiant Life Medical take a whole person approach to healthcare, seeking to treat the underlying causes of injury rather than treating the symptoms themselves. At Valiant Life Medical in Fort Worth, TX, Dr. Jernigan and his team are committed to helping all of their patients live a healthy and active life. Dr. Jernigan is incredibly passionate about empowering each of his patients with the knowledge and resources to take control of their health. He believes in building long lasting relationships with his patients by taking the time to get to know each one of them on a personal level.

Over the years, Dr. Jernigan has successfully treated thousands of patients for neck, back and joint related injuries stemming from automobile accidents, work injury and sports related trauma. His primary focus has always been to restore normal functional ability for a better quality of life for his patients. He is now transforming his practice into an integrated medical facility which will include array of treatments options for spine and joint related injury as well as regenerative medicine and weight loss.

At Valiant Life Medical, Dr. Jernigan and the amazing team of professionals provide specialized care including auto accident and personal injury rehabilitation, work injury rehabilitation, sports injury rehabilitation, regenerative medicine, weight loss, chiropractic care and more. Most insurance plans are accepted and appointments are available weekdays. Call us at (817) 926-0012 and our helpful team will schedule your appointment for optimal health!

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