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Precise Chiropractic


Phone (248) 680-7200
Fax (248) 856-2346 - Fax
Address 4101 John R Rd Suite 300,
Troy, MI 48085 United States


The NUCCA procedure requires no twisting, cracking or popping of the spine. It gently restores the skull, spine and hips back to its proper position. This takes pressure off the nerves and allows the body to return to its natural, healthy state. This is a whole body adjustment. The National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association, Inc. (NUCCA) doctor is a unique health care practitioner whose system is different from other chiropractors and medical specialists. The theory and practice of NUCCA chiropractic is backed by clinical experience since 1966 and a research organization known as the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research Association, Inc. (NUCCRA).

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